Tuesday, August 29, 2017

First Week, New School, Blind Faith

So, I didn't get off to the start I had hoped, but I'm back.

A LOT of things lead to the decision of moving schools.  I've never been a bigger believer of finding the fit for the kiddo.  Special learners and distinct personalities all deserve an exploration.  We are beyond blessed that the pieces fell into place to even start the discussion.

But first, we celebrate that one final weekend.  Rainy day movies with popcorn and M&M's, way too much screen time, and a little bit of mourning the lazy days of not having a schedule.  (And to be honest, a bit of celebration by Mom to HAVE a schedule again.)

Plus our annual dinner out before the first day.  We let the kids (think) they decide where to go and splurge on dessert.  Pate's attire?  No idea.  Mommy took the Uno win like a BOSS!

We put the kids in Southwest Christian.  From the very fist visit, I felt an overwhelming peace.  I, truly, feel as though we are jumping in wholly on faith; yet, I have never felt as confident in any decision.  While it will certainly be a lifestyle change, we are more than willing to put our kids in a faith based, God lead school.  BEST. DECISION. EVER!  Well, and how adorable are the uniforms.

Blind faith - blessed and highly favored.